Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Donating Types of Blood

For our experiment, we saw what would happen if people with different types of blood or the same donated to each other. To start we had four cups for A, four cups for B, four cups for AB, and four cups for O. This was to represent the types of blood. The cups labeled A had red water in them. The cups labeled B had blue water in them. The cups labeled AB had purple water in them. Lastly, the cups labeled O had clear water in them. The red water represented type A blood. The blue water represented type B blood. The purple water represented type AB blood. Finally the clear water represented type O blood. We also had an eyedropper we took the eyedropper and filled it up with the red water from the cup that had red water in it. Then we filled the eyedropper up with purple water out of the cup that had purple water in it. Next we filled the eyedropper up with blue water from the cup that had blue water in it. Lastly, we filled the eyedropper up with clear water from the cup that had clear water in it. We did this one at a time and each time we put a different color of water into the cups labeled A which had red water in them. Then we did the same thing with the cups labeled B, AB, and O. In this experiment we found out that people with A can donate to people with A or AB blood. They can’t donate to people with B or O. People with b blood can donate to people with B or AB blood, they can’t donate to people with A or O blood. People with AB blood can donate to people who have AB blood, but they can’t donate to anyone else. Type O blood can donate to everyone You could tell if it was safe or not safe if the color changed. By: Bridget and Morgan

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Bone Burrito

by Akaela and Brody We were studying bones in science and we decided to build a model showing the different bone layers. It is called the Bone Burrito. The taco shell represents the periosteum which is the top layer of the bone. The jelly represents the bone marrow. Found in the bones it makes red and white blood cells and platelets. The angel food cake represents the spongy bone of the cancellous. The Nutter Butter represents the compact bone which is the Hard Bone. The licorice represents the blood vessels that take blood to different parts of your body. To make the Bone Burrito you need a taco shell, jelly, angel food cake, Nutter Butters, and licorice. First you take the taco shell and lay it flat, then you put the Nutter Butters on the taco shell. Next you will need angel food cake and you put that on top of the Nutter Butters. Fourth you will put the jelly on the angel food. Then you roll it. After you fold it you will put the licorice around it. That is how you make the Bone Burrito.

The Strongest Bone in Your Body

We tested to find out what the strongest bone in your body was. We did an experiment where we had four different note cards, which stand for the shapes of the bones. There was a tee pee, a square, a long cylinder, and a short cylinder. We found that the cylinder shaped bones are the strongest shaped bone in the body was. The cylinder shaped bones are found in your arms and legs.
First you need a piece of paper and four note cards to make the shapes. Then we used paperback books and laid them on each shape. When we got twenty paperback books we started using hard back math books. The piece of paper is to record how many books each shape held.
The long cylinder shape held twenty paperback books and four hardback math books. The short cylinder shape held twenty paperback books and three hardback math books. The square held twenty paperback books and one hardback math book. The teepee didn’t hold any books at all.
By Sara and Rebecca

Spine Model

The experiment we did was to show how the spine worked and what it is made out of. We used pipe cleaners, Gummy lifesavers, and round noodles. First, we put some noodles on a pipe cleaner. This represents a spine without cartilage. This spine would not bend. The noodles scraped against each other and broke easily. Then we took another pipe cleaner, noodles, and gummy lifesavers. We put the noodle on first followed by a gummy lifesaver, then another noodle. We continued this pattern until the pipe cleaner was full. We moved this spine and it moved smoothly, because the cartilage allowed the bones to move freely. This represents our spine. The pipe cleaner represented the spinal cord, Lifesavers are cartilage, and noodles are bones. Without cartilage, we would not be able to move very well and we could break the vertebrae easily. By Amanda and Robby

Friday, April 18, 2008

Clogged Arteries

Our experiment shows clogged arteries and how important it is to eat healthy. In our experiment we used two cups, a funnel, peanut butter, a bent paper clip, a stopwatch, and water. First we filled up a cup of water. Then we took the funnel and put it over the empty cup. Next we poured the water through the funnel and into the cup. The spout of the funnel represents arteries. When we poured the water through the funnel we timed how long it took for all the water to go through. It went through quickly and it represented a healthy artery. Then we put peanut butter in the spout of the funnel and with the bent paperclip made a hole so we could see daylight. Next we put the other empty cup under the peanut butter funnel. We took the same cup of water we used before and poured that in the peanut butter funnel. We had to pour very slowly because it took longer to go through the peanut butter. This represented somebody’s artery if they ate unhealthy. That is our experiment!

Bone Dissecting

Our class dissected a chicken bone to find out how many layers we have in our bones. The first layer is periostium which is the white part of the bone. The second part of the bone is the compact bone that is the hard part of the bone. The third part is the spongy bone. The last thing is bone marrow. It makes blood cells and sends them into the veins. Those are all the parts of the bone. We thought it was just compact bone and bone marrow but we found out a lot more than we expected. To find the layers of the bone we first broke the bone in half. Then we looked inside the bone. There is some black stuff that is the bone marrow. The spongy bone looks like an orange red color. The compact bone had veins in it and is hard. The periosteum is the white part of the bone but we can not see that layer. Thanks for reading. Check out our next blog.

Blood Cycle

One day we made a huge body out of string and put it on the floor. Everybody had a part that they had to be. Two people represented the lungs, four people were part of the four heart chambers, one person represented the small intestine, there were two people to be an example of the body cells, and there was one person that had to be the kidney. The rest of the class had to be the blood. The blood cells had to go through one side of the heart. Then they stopped at the lungs to pick up oxygen. Then they went out the other side of the heart. After that they went to the small intestine to pick up the food card. Next, they went to the body cells to pick up a waste card and a carbon dioxide. But before they leave they had to pick up and drop off their food and oxygen cards. Then they went to the kidney and dropped off their waste card. Next, they go through the heart and give their carbon dioxide card to the lungs. Then the cycle starts all over again. That’s how our fifth grade class learned about the path that blood takes through our bodies. The End!