Thursday, October 18, 2007

What Happens When Light Hits Objects?

When we did this experiment, we shined the light through all the different things, like tin foil, wax paper, construction paper, press and seal, glass, pink, yellow, and white tissue paper, plastic lid, and paper sack. The light went through some of them and that is called transparent. Then the light went through but was absorbed and didn’t continue and you could still see the light, which is called translucent. After that we shined the light at a different object and it didn’t go through, that is called opaque. Our claim from this is when you shine a light at something it will stop, go through, or reflect back. To find this we shined the light at different objects and it let different amounts of light go through. We learned that light only goes through some objects but not all objects; also they have different names like, opaque, translucent, and transparent.
Derek, Leah, and Kayla

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