Monday, October 22, 2007

How Does Light Travel?

How light travels. These are the steps we went through and how we got our claim and evidence. Step 1 We got the paper with a hole in it. Step 2 We got the flashlight. Step 3 We got the golf ball with a string on it. Step 4 We got a black sheet of paper. Step 5 we shine the light at the sheet of paper. Step 6 we shine the flash light at the black sheet of paper. Step 7 we shined the flash light at the golf ball. This is what we came up with after we did all the steps. Light travels in a straight line until it hits something. The evidence to come up with the claim is when we shined the flash light at the note card with the hole in it, the light went through the hole but not the card. Then we shined the light at the golf ball which created a shadow. We learned that light travels in a straight line until it hits something, and then it either bounces back or goes through it. That is how light travels.
By Sara and Brody

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