Friday, April 18, 2008

Blood Cycle

One day we made a huge body out of string and put it on the floor. Everybody had a part that they had to be. Two people represented the lungs, four people were part of the four heart chambers, one person represented the small intestine, there were two people to be an example of the body cells, and there was one person that had to be the kidney. The rest of the class had to be the blood. The blood cells had to go through one side of the heart. Then they stopped at the lungs to pick up oxygen. Then they went out the other side of the heart. After that they went to the small intestine to pick up the food card. Next, they went to the body cells to pick up a waste card and a carbon dioxide. But before they leave they had to pick up and drop off their food and oxygen cards. Then they went to the kidney and dropped off their waste card. Next, they go through the heart and give their carbon dioxide card to the lungs. Then the cycle starts all over again. That’s how our fifth grade class learned about the path that blood takes through our bodies. The End!

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