Friday, April 18, 2008

Clogged Arteries

Our experiment shows clogged arteries and how important it is to eat healthy. In our experiment we used two cups, a funnel, peanut butter, a bent paper clip, a stopwatch, and water. First we filled up a cup of water. Then we took the funnel and put it over the empty cup. Next we poured the water through the funnel and into the cup. The spout of the funnel represents arteries. When we poured the water through the funnel we timed how long it took for all the water to go through. It went through quickly and it represented a healthy artery. Then we put peanut butter in the spout of the funnel and with the bent paperclip made a hole so we could see daylight. Next we put the other empty cup under the peanut butter funnel. We took the same cup of water we used before and poured that in the peanut butter funnel. We had to pour very slowly because it took longer to go through the peanut butter. This represented somebody’s artery if they ate unhealthy. That is our experiment!

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